Tutorial: Use the Bravenet Visual Editor

Tutorials | Html Introduction | Basic Html Code | Html Code for Layers

  1. Log into your account at www.bravenet.com
  2. Click websites, file manager

  3. Click the edit icon to edit your web site.
  4. Click File Manager
  5. Click Create File name it. I have called mine about.html
  6. Go to Resources and choose a page layout. Click on the page layout you want to use.
  7. Select the code. Press CTR + C to copy the code.
  8. Find the page you created and click on the edit icon.
  9. Click in the white space of your new page.
  10. Press CTR + V to paste the code onto the page.
  11. Click the save icon.
  12. Click visual editor to change from the code view to work in the visual view.
  13. Type in any text you want on the page. Select the text and click the A tool to change the colour size of style of the text.

  14. Click the save icon.
  15. To create a free banner click here. Save it as banner. It will be a png file. If you want a bigger range of styles you can download a trial version of the banner maker.
  16. Return to main directory by clicking file manager.
  17. Click on your images folder .
  18. Click Upload File and browse to find your banner.png file.
  19. Return to the main folder/directory by clicking on the ..
  20. Open the new page you created and click on the edit icon.
  21. Delete the text from the area you want the banner to go and click insert image
  22. Type the name of the folder you put the banner into / and the banner name as shown. Names are case sensitive so if you used a lower case for the folder name then type it the same.

  23. Click the save icon. and you will be able to see your image in the visual editor.
  24. To change the link, select the text and click create link .
  25. Type in the name of your page if it is in your web site. If it outside this web site, you will need the whole URL with the http:// as well. Your home page should be called index.html as this is the default name the browser looks for when you type in a web site address.

  26. Click the save icon.

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